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Tips and Tools to add to athletes' training and performance:

Getting in the water throughout the year is important to establish and refine muscle memory and stroke technique. Here you will find water work outs with a range of athletic ability, dry land work outs to strengthen muscles, and videos on new drills and lectures from some elite coaches and swimmers.

Water Workouts:

  • Student Level: In the water techniques and practices to help athletes learn basic water techniques
  • Beginner Level: beginner level workouts focus on drills, techniques, and easy-moderate level endurance training
  • Advance Level: Moderate-Strong interval training, advance in distance and strength

Dry Lands:
Dry Lands help build strength, flexibility, and endurance. They are especially helpful to continue training without having access to a pool facility.

Visual Training Aids:

Videos allow for athletes to see proper technique and how to best improve upon efficiency in the water.

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Video Techniques and Drills

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